Minnow: Tales of the Lighthouse

$9.99 Paperback
$3.99 Kindle
142 pages • 8.5″ x 5.5″
Paperback ISBN: 978-1953120113
About the Book
A Humorous History Book! LIGHTHOUSE: A tall building on the seashore in which the government maintains a light… And a friend of a politician. … according to A. Bierce’s Devils Dictionary. SO YOU WANT TO BECOME A LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER? Had any experience with things nautical? Need 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep? … Able to fix lamps and mechanical devices in the dark? Need to regularly meet new and interesting people? EVEN IF YOU MET THESE REQUIREMENTS YOU WOULD NOT BE QUALIFIED TO BECOME A LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER IN 19th CENTURY AMERICA. You had to know someone important to get the job. QUALIFIED POINT PINOS LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS WERE: A retired army sergeant, a keeper’s widow, a nephew of the boss, a deputy sheriff, stepson of a well connected local businessman, mother-in-law of the boss. ALL the characters in the book were REAL people of the times, only MINNOW, our storyteller is fictional.
About the Author
Fred Sammis was a family historian and a valued member of the Pacific Grove Community. He and his wife Claudia were longstanding residents. Fred was a docent at Pt. Pinos Lighthouse for many years. Subsequently, he led the efforts to upgrade the lighthouse exhibits and the exterior informational signage, landscaping, and fountain repair. He also was the key contact person to the producers of the lighthouse video.He wrote and published two historical memoirs for his extended family. In this book, you’ll see Fred’s humor and playfulness too. His contributions were many, varied, and will live on.